WandaVision Finale Part 1: What we all missed
WandaVision became an unexpected overnight sensation of a hit. Over the course of the weeks, we found ourselves watching the After Show Easter Eggs, theories, reviews, and came up with theories of our own. It was really fun to watch the show and play along with the excitement and suspense, and as I was warned at the very beginning to not expect too much, it certainly didn’t end as I would have expected and it seemed like a lot was missing. The SERIES finale ended with me feeling let down, and my thoughts were:
“well that was anti-climatic…”
Right after the show ended the big question for me was what happened to Vision or White Vision (Spectrum). With the way the scenes changed it made it look like Vision woke up Spectrum and that was who went out to Wanda and the children after the showdown between the two Visions. He would have had to change color, of course, and that is what I thought had happened. But as the show progresses you realize that White Vision just veered off to nobody knows. A real bad jump-cut edit job.
The Vision vs Vision battle was my absolute favorite part of the episode and one of my favorite moments of the whole series.
Digging into the a little deeper we get to Ralph Boner – I mean Bohner (who wrote this script?). Ralph was mentioned from the first episode onward as Agness’s husband. It was expected that there would be some significance to him at the end, but he was nothing than a young adult who was under Agness’s spell.
Perhaps not everything needs to have meaning, and that can be a good thing. But I think making him also play the role of Fake Pietro made a lot of people hoping for a lot more of the character, even if he would never be a Quicksilver.
And that poses another question. If Ralph/Fake Pietro/Fake Quicksilver was Angess’s fake husband, does that mean that Agness and Ralph – um – you know – slept in the same bed and ate breakfast lunch and dinner together. Did she use her spell on him in inappropriate ways, much like the Sith might misuse the Force on the weak minded…
Senior Scratchy was also reference several times in the show. I mean rabbits don’t eat bugs and their was a veil over this rabbits thoughts, so there was something up, but we almost never see this rabbit doing anything other than hoping around. After the show had aired I had read that the team behind the show had filmed and written a scene with Senior Scratchy that would make the character more impactful, but they cut it because it wasn’t fitting the vibe they were going for. I think it would have added to episode, especially with so much coming to a point. In the actual episode it really felt like we went from a very deep story to something two dimensional with there just being the fight between Agatha and Wanda.
As far as depth you have both Photon and Darcy in the Hex. Darcy is such a prominent role but she is nowhere to be found until the last moment. Yeah much like I said earlier, not everybody needs to be important and play sophisticated roles, but then it kind of leans to the question why does she randomly appear coincidentally at the end – it’s just because of the writing.
Here’s the thing – I could mention many other theories, wishes, or lack of this or that characters involvement but I guess what we really had hoped for was there was more WHY to Agness/Agatha and the few major characters that played a role in West View, such as Dottie or the Mailman. But a lot of the characters, and especially the people in town, were one dimensional. After the townspeople were unhexed it was just weird and mono-toned.
It was Agatha all along, but for what? She just wanted power and there is no story to be told beyond that. I guess there doesn’t have to be, but usually there is a motivating factor behind why people do things. People don’t just want things, they want things because of other things. Even wanting something out of boredom is a reason.
Perhaps the show was just meant to be quirky and a filler between movies. But when it comes down to creating stories, there is a difference between a great creation and product. As a creator, I do not believe in creating something “just because” and I look for meaning in the things that I create.
Throughout the series the creators of the show had hinted at a few things and one of them being that the commercials had meaning to them. There is no doubt that they did, but I think we all got the impression that it would lead to something instead of being trauma and past guilt.
Even though I still will tell you I enjoyed the series, and I still found enjoyment in the episode, being emotionally invested in a series like one would be with a really good book, I can tell you that the finale made the whole series feel incredibly insignificant in one episode, and there is still ONE BIG QUESTION that was never answered from the very first episode, and unlike WandaVision I will tell you what that question is in my next post which will also talk about some of the ways I thought the season would end. [this almost feels like this could be an email with a cliff hanger like this…]